Tuesday, January 5

she's not my fren, nor an enemy. she's a bitch! (rather die than live)

yeah! arghh! wuargh!

1st, let i call her B (stand for bitch)
2nd, i will not tell B's name
3rd, i truly hate that stupid f**king B

she my old clasmate. the stupid one. very noisy one. always making fun and playing. very lazy and always drag someone else to be bitchy like her. the most untrusted person in my life. i never trust her and will never trust her. there will be a revenge for her for making my life upside down. w8 n c, BITCH

when anger control my mind..
geram! dulu nyela pjuk gile oink2. nk kwan blk la (sounds funny rite). kua town ssame la. lpak sme2 la. bile da ajk kje sme2 bikin taik lak. geram la dy uh. pe? nk bls blk?
LIKE I CARE! k fine, pasne nme ko (stalker) yg aku ltak kat nset uh aku dlate. dan tkkan aku ngat ko ag dlm hdup aku. get out FOREVER!

(mls nk bzirkn mse bbel sal B)

spttny aku ignore je ko dr dlu. dr 1st tyme ko buat taik kt dlm hdup aku. sory, aku ta ngat bile. sbb ko byk kali ko buat taik da srupe indah water. kang aku ta ajk ko kje sme2, prents aku kate pe lak. sbb,
aku ta ske ngadu hal2 kburukan orang len kat prents aku. ta mcm ko, sket2 nk ngadu. cm ba... mls nk tlis. cian spisis tu ad kaitn gn ko yg ag jjik sbnye. skurg2ny, spisis tu ta mkn kwan

fuh! fuh!
dahla. ko bkn sape2 ag dlm hdup aku. bkn msuh, atau kwan. bkn kuman, atau skcil bktria. dats y nme ko ejaan y g2 MF: mother fcker. heh, mmg sswai gle. hahahaha. bodoh pnye btine

oke. case close.


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